How do I use Limestone’s DNS service?

We provide 3 managed redundant name-servers for your convenience, If you don’t want the trouble of creating your own nameservers (eg:, you can use the DNS Panel located under the Control Panel


Before editing domain DNS information under the control panel, you must change your domain registrar’s name-servers for your domain to:


We also provide whitelisted DNS services using the following nameservers:


After setting these as your nameservers under your domain registrar, please allow between 24 – 48 hours for the name-server records to fully propagate.

Now you can continue modifying domain records via the Control Panel.

Changes made under the control panel are not immediate, please allow up to 30 minutes for the records to update. However, some changes may be active after as little as 5 minutes.


  • Set domain registrar’s name-server records to Limestone’s nameservers.
  • Wait 24 – 48 hours for the changes to take place.
  • Modify domain information under the Control Panel.
  • Allow time for changes to take effect.

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